Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Sun's Dots

I shoot my eye's in the sun's fire.
I remember the yellow high
of solar sky
but I do it anyways.

The shape shifts
and soaks my heart in tawny acid.

Pupils disappear into
a shadow of canary-colored
that brands me blind.

The universe is black dust
with yellow polka dots.

The dots pop like bubble gum
and sprinkle the remains
on ebon lashes
like Indian saffron.

I see nothing 
but tainted dots
through eyelids that forgot how
to see.

A desert fire ignites
in rays that reach 
my chest instead
of sight.

Spheres of yellow craters
like the scars that touch

I no longer walk in the sun
but am the light
that shines
like dots,
like stars,
like creases over flesh
I saw on my birthday.

The pull of heat
has turned me
and saved me from the
battle I never wanted to see.

An eyelash wrestles
with a tear
and I fall
into the light of dots
into the chrome coated abyss
I've been searching for, since
the nightlight of my youth.

I leave darkness
seeing at last
the yellow dots of light
I'd never thought I'd see.

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